Sudden surges and drops in the body’s energy caused by caffeine can be very unpleasant. This is exactly why many people avoid drinking coffee. Our goal was to upgrade and enrich coffee by adding adaptogenic ingredients to it that mitigate these unwanted effects.
The positive effects of our coffee blend come from its special composition, which in addition to Arabic coffee contains:
The Cordyceps mushroom is one of the most powerful natural adaptogens, meaning it helps the body to easily adapt to different internal and external factors.
It is an adaptogenic whole food with a high polysaccharide content ≥ 30%. It also has a high content of elements that have very beneficial effects on our body: polysaccharides, triterpenes, trace elements, and minerals.
Cordyceps prolongs our physical and mental stamina and has positive effects on stress.
Rhodiola Rosea
Rhodiola Rosea is a perennial which contributes to an undisturbed blood flow circulation, associated with brain function, as well as an optimal mental and cognitive activity. This provides the cells with oxygen and the necessary nutrients.
Rhodiola Rosea is also considered to be an adaptogen, which helps the body to easily adapt to emotional and physical exertion. By stimulating the nervous system, it also helps with exhaustion and stress-induced headaches.
Due to the fact that it protects the body when under physical stress, it is popular with athletes because it enhances strength and fitness as well as improves endurance during sporting feats.
Other positive features of Rhodiola Rosea are that it:
- helps with sleep-related problems;
- improves appetite;
- contributes to productivity;
- helps to stimulate perception;
- improves the state of mind;
- helps support potency;
- by protecting against stress and hypertension it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system
Tadeja –
Meni zelo ljub izdelek. Nutrispoint me je najprej pritegnil s kolagenom, kasneje sem se zaljubila v Green Vitality mešanico, veliko presenečenje, ki je počasi preraslo v ljubezen, pa je postal Mushroom Coffee Blend. <3
Krasnega okusa, odlično nadomestilo za kavo. Sama si mešanico pripravim ohlajeno in jo z užitkom srkam skozi dan.
Monika –
Zaljubljena. Dejstvo, da bi se podala v svet odkrivanja novih okusov kave, je bilo zame velik izziv. Vedno zvesta le eni kavi, le eni znamki. Pa vseeno tako zelo pozitivno presenečena in navdušena nad dejstvom, kako zelo sem vzljubila BIO kavo z dodano medicinsko gobo. Ima prekrasen okus, poleg tega pa ni samo navadna kava, ki mi nudi dvig energije in boljšega počutja, je toliko več in toliko boljša od navadnih kav. Jaz si skoraj ne predstavljam popoldneva brez nje, je moj mali zdrav ritual, ki ga toplo priporočam. Absolutno si zasluži 5/5 zvezdic :)*
Maja Ferlic, mlada raziskovalka in mlada mamica Verified Owner –
Okus kave mi nikoli ni bil všeč. Kljub vsemu sem popila 3-4 kave na dan, ki sem jih potrebovala da sem sploh normalno prešla skozi dan. Kavo sem običajno mešala z mlekom in sladkala. Prijateljica mi je pohvalila ta Mushroom coffee, da bo sigurno zame. In res, kar ne morem verjeti kakšen učinek ima na moje telo; zjutraj spijem Mushroom coffee in potem praktično redko še sploh pomislim, da bi spila kakšno kavo. Okus mi je pa tako vrhunski, prav poživljajoč in nič pretirano kavni, kar je meni top! Mleka, sladkorja ipd. tukaj sploh ne potrebujem. Ko grem na službeno potovanje si vedno vzamem par vreckic s sabo na pot.
Laura Brennan –
Great taste and effect. Will buy more and more.